giovedì 11 agosto 2016

'In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.'' 
 “A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world. They will say “Christians cannot escape now! But a great King will arise to fight the enemies of God. He will defeat them and peace will be given to the world and the Church freed from her anxieties."
"The restoration of Monarchy will not be a local affair; it will be a world-wide phenomenon...The republics and democracies will be over,
communism and socialism a thing of the past..." (More About The Great Monarch, by Yves Dupont, World Trends #41, Aug. 1974)

"In all ages men have been divinely instructed in matters expedient for the salvation of the elect...and in all ages there have been persons possessed of the spirit of prophesy, not for the purpose of announcing new doctrines, but to direct human actions." (-St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa: 2:2:174: Res. et ad 3)

it is also important to note, that he clearly states in the major events/signs to watch just prior to the coming of the Great Monarch (according to the thousands of prophecies he had studied) that there would be (2nd Section Point 3): An anti-pope in Rome. The developing apostasy becomes universal.

More About the Great Monarch and the Glorious Age of Peace  to Come Under the Reign of the Great Monarch                            

 Communism will overcome the West, but it will eventually itself be overcome by God. Firstly, through world-wide natural disasters, and secondly through the agency of the Great Monarch whom God will choose for that very purpose:

"His sword will be moved by Divine power......" (Rudolph Gekner, 17th Century)
"And a voice fell from the heavens: 'Here are those whom I have chosen'" (i.e. the Great Monarch and the Holy Pope) (Premol, 5th Century)
Many more such references could be cited, but these suffice to show that the Great Monarch will, indeed, be sent by God. The context of these short excerpts can be found in "CATHOLIC PROPHECY".
Literally hundreds of prophecies announce the rise of the Great Monarch. Here are a few:
"A Frankish King will one day rule over the entire Roman Empire." (St. Augustine, 5th Century)
"The sixth period (of time) will begin with the powerful Monarch." (Ven. B. Holzhauser, 17th Century)
"The good people will triumph when the return of the King is announced." (Cur‚ of Ars, 19th Century)
"He will come from the Fleur-de-Lis..." (Old Saxon prophecy)
"... a King of the House of Lilies..." (St. Cataldus, 5th Century)
"He shall recover the Crown of the Lilies....." (St. Caesar, 5th Century)
"The White Flower again takes possession of the Throne of France." (St. Hildegarde, German Abbess, 12th Century)
"He shall inherit the Crown of the Fleur-de-Lis" (Bishop Ageda, 12th Century)

Many other details are given about this God-chosen King which might, however, be tedious to enumerate. Thus, his origin is clearly given by several prophecies as coming from "between the Rhine and the North Sea" - (Monk Hilarion, 15th Century). He will come from the ancient French royal family but he will be truly European, not just French. Through intermarriage most, if not all, royal heirs in Europe today can claim a Capetian ancestry. And, indeed, many prophecies mention that he will have also German blood and Spanish blood, and these prophecies are not necessarily German or Spanish: the Spanish blood, for instance, is mentioned by St. Bridget of Sweden, and the German blood by a French prophet.
Some details, seemingly unimportant, are nevertheless worth mentioning because of their varied origins. Among these is the fact that he will walk with a limp:
"... Prince's foot impeded ... " (Nostradamus, 16th Century)
"He will be lame afoot ... " (Old German prophecy)
"God touched the sinew of his hip. He was in great pain and from that day on, he walked with a limp ... " (Anne-Catherine Emmerich, 19th Century)
"This Prince shall mount his horse on the right-hand side, because he limps from one foot .... " (Peasant Jasper, Germany)
He will be full of goodness and virtue; many prophecies insist on this:
"A very pious King shall reign over Spain ..... " (St. Isidore, 7th Century)
"In his childhood he will be like a saint; in his youth a great sinner; then he will be converted entirely to God and will do great penance; his sins shall be forgiven him, and he shall become a great saint." (St. Francis of Paola, 15th Century)


St. Louis Embarks on the Crusade against the Enemies of de fide
"He shall destroy the Jewish and Mohammedan sects." (St. Bridget)

"He will travel to Rome" (Hilarion, 15th Century)
"Shall make his sail spring forth" (Nostradamus, 16th Century)
"Greece he will invade and be made King thereof." (Cataldus, 5th Century)
"He will restore the Church of Santa Sophia (in Constantinople)." (St. Bridget, 14th Century)
"He shall fight in Syria and win the Holy Cross." (Old Scottish)
"He shall recover the Land of Promise." (Aystinger)
"He will regain Holy Land after terrible wars in Europe." (Telesphorus de Cozensa, 11th Century)
"He will conquer England." (Cataldus, 5th Century)
("Invade Greece" and "conquer England" must not be understood with the modern and unpleasant connotation that these terms now have. This Emperor will be anything but "imperialist". It means, in effect, that he will go to England to help the English people out of their Communist enslavement, and he will land in Greece to expel the Mohammedans. All this will be made clear later in this article. " ... will pursue Libyan race from Hungary as far as Gibraltar." (Nostradamus)
" ... away shall drive the strange race Arabic." (Nostradamus)
 "The Great Monarch ... will conquer the (Middle) East." (Pareus, 17th Century)
"Cyprus, the Turks and Barbarians he will subdue." (Cataldus, 5th Century)
"The Eagle will also invade the Mohammedan countries." (St. Bridget, 14th Century)
"He shall destroy the Jewish and Mohammedan sects." (St. Bridget)
"He shall destroy the Mohammedan sect and the rest of the infidels." (St. Francis of Paola, 15th Century)
"The Empire of the Mohammedans will be broken up (by him)." (Ven. Holzhauser, 17th Century)
"He shall subdue to his dominion the Mohammedan Empire" (Gekner, 17th Century)
"He shall reign over the House of Agar, and shall possess Jerusalem." (Isidore of Seville, 7th Century)
 The Great Catholic Monarch will be instrumental in bringing back the rightful glory and grandeur due the Papacy
(From left to right the coronation ceremonies of Christ's Vicars on Earth, Popes: Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII)
"He will crush the foes of Christianity." (St. Methodius, 4th Century)
"He will assist the Pope in the reformation of the world." (Caesar, 6th Century)
"He will put out all heresies." (Merlin the Bard, 7th Century)
"The French King will restore the true Pope." (Merlin)
"He shall capture Milan, Lombardy, and the three Crowns." (A'Beckett, 12th Century)
" ... by whom the decayed estate of the Church shall be reformed." (Magdeburg Chronicle)
"A Prince ... who shall reform the Church." (Aystinger the German)
The work of the Great Monarch must not be viewed as an encroachment of the Temporal over the Spiritual, as a meddling of the State in Church affairs; besides being a Saint and chosen by God, he will be obedient unto the Pope in everything. All the reforms which he will carry out in the Church will be made with the assent of nay, at the very request of the Pope - witness the following passage:
"Having need of a powerful temporal assistance, the Holy Pontiff will ask for the co-operation of the generous Monarch of France." (Abbot J. Merlin, 13th Century)
"By his means the nation's religion and laws shall have an admirable change." (Bishop Ageda, 12th Century)
"He shall restore the apostolic discipline." (St. John of Capistrano 15th Century)
"He shall reform the Church of God." (St. Francis of Paola, 15th Century)
"He will crush the enemies of the Pope." (D. Pareus, 17th Century)
" ... giving the Church her pristine prominence." (Nostradamus)
"The King of Blois raises again the Papal Tiara." (Caesar)
"This Prince shall help him (the Holy Pontiff) in every way." (Vatiguerro, 13th Century)

 "(And I saw that) he placed his hand in the Pontiff's hand.
 "Russia, Sweden, and the whole North shall fight against France, Spain, Italy, and the whole South led by a powerful Prince." (Jasper the Peasant, 18th Century)

"He shall be a great captain." (St. Francis of Paola, 15th Century)
"The Great Monarch will be at war till the age of forty." (Cataldus)
" ... who shall attain to so high a power ... " (Nostradamus)
"He shall be in command of seven kinds of soldiers against three in the region of the Birch-trees." (Mentz, 19th Century)
" ... feared by his foes." (Nostradamus)
"He shall count his victories by his enterprises; he shall drive the enemy out of France." (Mentz, 19th Century)
"He will assemble great armies and expel tyrants from his Empire." (Cataldus, 5th Century)
"The powerful Monarch, who is sent from God, will uproot every Republic." (Ven. B. Holzhauser, 17th Century)
"He will go through all Europe with a powerful army, uproot every Republic, and exterminate all rebels." (Gekner, 17th Century)
"He will overcome the German Ruler." (Cozensa, 14th Century)
"The Sovereign and the Gallic people shall knock down the renegades who shall shake with fright." (Merlin the Bard)
"He shall govern France." (Votin, 15th Century)
"France shall first be yoked by this King. Britain shall humbly cast herself at his knees. Italy...will contribute to him her languishing right hand." (Sibylla Tiburtina)
"He shall be made King of Greece." (Cataldus, 5th Century)
"There will rise in Gaul a King of the Greeks, the Franks and the Romans." (Liber Mirabilis, 16th Century, quoting an old prophecy)
"He will set England aright and drive out heresy ... He will appoint three Lords to rule the Kingdom of England." (Mother Shipton, 16th Century)
"He shall be the last King over England." (Merlin the Bard (British)
 "He will join the Lion and the White Flower." (i.e. unite England and France). (Orval, 13th Century)
"In the last days a very pious King shall reign over our Great Spain." (St. Isidore of Seville, 7th Century)
"The angelic Pope shall place an imperial crown on his head." (Busto, 15th Century)
"He shall reign over the entire ancient Roman Empire." (Remy, 5th Century)
" ... by whom the ancient glory of the Empire shall be restored." "He shall be Emperor of Europe." (Aystinger)
" ... whom God will choose to rule over Europe." (J. von Bourg, 19th Century)
"(He and the Holy Pontiff) shall obtain dominion over the whole world." (St. Francis de Paola, 15th Century)
"This Prince shall extend his dominion over the whole world." (St. Caesar, 6th Century)

 "A King shall come and act contrariwise, the high pulled down and the low raised up high." (Nostradamus)

(He will pull down what has been held as good, and raise up what has been held in contempt, acting in opposition to present standards.)
"He will restore everything." (Holzhauser)
The powerful Monarch, after winning the Birch-Tree Battle, will restore Peace throughout the world. The Birch-Tree Battle has been described in countless prophecies. It is the turning point which may coincide with the 3 days of darkness, and will mark the collapse of Communism. It was discussed at some length in my previous book "The Coming Chastisement".
"Peace will return when the Lily ascends the Throne again. The land will be very productive." (St. Hildegarde)
"Many wise laws will restore peace." (Orval)
"An era of prosperity follows." (Lehnin)
"Peace and abundance shall return to the world." (St. Bridget)
"And the earth shall enjoy peace and prosperity." (St. Bridget)
"And peace shall reign over the whole earth." (Holzhauser)
"This shall re-establish a peace and prosperity without precedent." (St. John-Mary Vianney, Cur‚ of Ars, 19th Century)
"O sweetest peace! Thy fruits will multiply until the End of Time!" (St. Caesar)
"He will at length lay down his Crown in Jerusalem." (Cataldus)
"He will go to Jerusalem, and lay down his Sceptre and Crown on Mount Olivet. Thus shall come the end of the Christian Roman Empire." (Bl. R. Maurus, 9th Century)
"He will finally go to Jerusalem and lay down his Sceptre and Crown upon the Mount of Olives. Immediately afterwards, Antichrist will come." (Monk Adso, 10th Century)
"He shall give up the ghost at Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives." (St. Augustine, 5th Century)
"At the end of his most glorious reign, he shall go to Jerusalem, and shall lay down his Crown and Sceptre on the Mount of Olives." (St. Remy, 5/6th Century)
Crown and Sceptre are symbols of authority. By surrendering his Crown and Sceptre on the amount of Olives, the Great Monarch will acknowledge this gift from God, as if saying: "My Lord and my God, my mission is ended; here is the Authority which Thou hast graciously given me."

Cardinal Bagnasco : While still the classic, we know from a story that was thought far today are added refined forms but no less cruel, legalized but no less unjust. Our old West it is experienced, he is sick of their insolvency ideologies: the continent of rights increasingly discriminates against Christianity "but" no powerful will possess the earth forever man's heart through advertising lies, with promises rigged, apparent democracies. " 
"In the name of values ​​such as equality, tolerance, rights, one attempts to marginalize Christianity and want to create a world order without God, where differences are celebrated on the one hand and on the other they are crushed." There is "the overwhelming desire to be approved, you want to condition the deep visions of life and behavior, systematic resetting of cultural identities." It is not "a respectful way towards a European Union harmonious and solidarity is certainly necessary, but rather towards a harmful refounding Continental peoples that feel heavy and arrogant, where Christianity is considered divisive because it does not fall down to turn emperors." But "history testifies that when the powerful focus on survival to personal ambitions, and give up the res publica, is the hour of decadence.""Our continent, in the face of today's challenges, stutters because it bewildered and frightened, because it no longer knows who he is, having cut its cultural and religious origins, until you feel ashamed of their own traditions, their own symbols and rites' .

God Became like us  He was a man like us and he called us friends. Jesus Christ 

INCREDIBLE  statue of Jesus opens his eyes and speaks

                                          Decree against communism by catholic church

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  it is severe sin :
1 Join the communist party
2 favor any way whit species vote
3 read the communist press
4 propagate the communist press
So you can't  receive absolution of sins unless you are willing to repent and do not commit more
 who is registered or not the Communist Party, he admits its Marxist doctrine, atheistic and anti-Christian, and makes propaganda is APOSTATE OF FAITH AND EXCOMMUNICATED and it can not be absolved from the sins of the holy seat (Vatican, Rome)
what has been said by the Communist Party must extend to other parties who make common cause with it
God enlighten and give to the guilty in matters as serious full repentance .Because it is in danger of eternal salvation itself

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